The role and impact of technology in both our personal and working lives is ever growing. Understanding how people shape technology and how technology shapes people's interactions with each other and the natural world, but technology is about more than gadgets and gizmos.


 It involves organised ways of doing things. It covers the intended and unintended interactions between our products and the people and systems who use them or are affected by them. 


Computer Repair

Is your laptop running slow or did you crack your computer screen?

Website Design

Simplify your marketing and communication needs with an easy-to-use website.

Tech Knowledge

Technical Career Assessment, Planning and Employability is important for students....

New & Used Products   

If you're looking for new or used computers, laptops, you're in the right place......

Fresh and


Want to revamp your website and get people's attention? Let us take a look around... 

Career Assessments

Employers are looking for leaders who are self-motivated and good communicators....